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Our algorithm is continuously scanning your landing pages and the wider competitive environment, integrating these insights with your ad performance to continuously optimise campaigns to drive the most likely engaged MQLs at the lowest conversion costs.
Our AI, trained on top-performing enterprise SaaS campaigns across various industries, continuously learns and improves. It takes just minutes to set up up a search campaign that incorporates these insights and highlights your unique proposition and call to action.
Cut time spent on ads management to minutes a day. We surface account, campaign and ad improvements - along with the strategic rationale behind our recommendations. Decide what to implement in a few clicks - it’s that easy.
We’re creating a new way to set up, manage and optimize your digital marketing campaigns. We’re just getting started with Google Ads, but will add more to our ecosystem of products soon.
Focus on your channel and market fit strategies and leave the daily management, optimization and reporting to us.
We’re currently in Beta. Sign up and we’ll let you know when we’re ready to launch!
Smart AI, Smarter Ads: Boost Quality Leads, Cut Costs